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Название: Сверхчеловек. Руководство биохакера для продуктивной и долгой жизни
Автор: Дэйв Эспри
Издательство: МИФ
Год: 2021
Формат: fb2, rtf
Размер: 11 Мб
Качество: Хорошее
Язык: Русский

Принято считать, что, пройдя период расцвета, организм человека начинает неумолимо деградировать. Однако исследования Дэйва Эспри говорят о том, что этот процесс можно контролировать. Становиться старше – совсем необязательно означает стареть, напротив, количество прожитых лет – отличный стимул довести работу своего тела до совершенства, обретая при этом поистине сверхчеловеческие способности.
Прочитав эту книгу, вы узнаете, как довольно простые, но полезные корректировки в питании, освещении, режиме сна и физической активности позволяют улучшить когнитивные функции, стать максимально энергичными и работоспособными и сохранять отличную форму на протяжении многих и многих лет.
Разместил: tanyavip1 25-06-2021, 09:02 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Медико-биологические технологии в физической культуре и спорте
Автор: Фудин Н.А., Хадарцев А.А., Орлов В.А.
Издательство: Спорт
Год: 2018
Cтраниц: 320
Формат: pdf
Размер: 39 мб
Язык: русский

B монографии изложены инновационные медико-биологические технологии диагностики и коррекции физического состояния спортсменов в процессе тренировочной деятельности и проведения реабилитационных и оздоровительных процедур. На основе системного анализа психофизиологической и социальной адаптации лиц, занимающихся физической культурой и спортом, определены принципы составления тренировочных и оздоровительных программ. Выявлены мануальные, диагностические и реабилитационно-восстановительные возможности использования лазерофореза биологически активных веществ при занятии спортом.
Разместил: rivasss 25-06-2021, 09:01 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: The Russian Secret Police: Muscovite, Imperial Russian and Soviet Political Security Operations, 1565-1970
Автор(ы): Hingley Ronald
Издательство: Routledge
Год: 2021
Страниц: 322
Язык: English
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 342,48 MB

This book, first published in 1970, is an important study of Russia’s security services from their earliest years to the mid-twentieth century. Ronald Hingley demonstrates how the secret police acted, both under the Tsars and under Soviet rule, as a key instrument of control exercised over all fields of Russian life by an outstandingly authoritarian state. He analyses the Tsarist Third Section and Okhrana and their role in countering Russian revolutionary groups, and examines the Soviet agencies as they assumed the roles of policeman, judge and executioner. This masterly evaluation of Russian and Soviet secret police makes extensive use of hard-to-find Russian documentary sources, and is the first such research that studies Russian political security (Muscovite, Imperial and Soviet) as a whole.
Разместил: Avtolik 25-06-2021, 09:01 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: More than Fighting for Peace? Conflict Resolution, UN Peacekeeping, and the Role of Training Military Personnel
Автор(ы): Curran David
Издательство: Springer International Publishing
Год: 2017
Страниц: 150
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 1,78 MB

This book provides a contemporary account of the linkages between the academic field of conflict resolution and the practice of military peacekeeping, through the lens of pre-deployment training for military personnel about to embark on UN peacekeeping operations. Military personnel serving on United Nations peacekeeping operations are deployed into highly challenging post-conflict environments, where the likelihood of violence remains high. Moreover, these personnel are deployed part of a wider peace process, and are thus situated as an anchor point in a transition from war to peace. This dimension of their work therefore means that a range of skills and techniques are relied upon, which come not from traditional military training, but from other, non-traditional fields. It is into this gap where the academic field of conflict resolution has made a valuable contribution to understanding international peacekeeping. Since the 1970’s, studies have sought to understand international peacekeeping as a necessary stage in conflict de-escalation, and ultimately transformation. From this, there is a history of engagement including studies which seek to understand the skills peacekeepers may need to assist them in their day to day activities, and the role that international peacekeeping plays in wider projects of conflict transformation.
Разместил: Avtolik 25-06-2021, 09:01 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Military Operational Planning and Strategic Moves
Автор(ы): Martinez Ordonez Lucia
Издательство: Springer International Publishing
Год: 2017
Страниц: 110
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 1,79 MB

This book employs game theory to warfare and in particular to military operations. It aims at scrutinizing the validity of the two ideas that have governed the literature on war and warfighting: One is the Clausewitzian Fog of War, which suggests that he who is able to "see" through the gunsmoke and observe his opponent’s moves before he has to commit to some strategy himself, should be able to gain an advantage over that enemy; the other is the tradition of understanding military conflict as a zero-sum game. Combined, these ideas seem to imply that war always gives rise to a second-mover advantage. This book questions the validity of this presumption at the operational level of military planning. It provides a simple but rigorous game-theoretic framework in order to analyse operational alternatives for a whole range of typical conflicts Western military forces are facing, including the most recent ones such as Anti-Access/Area-Denial and supporting host nations' counterinsurgency campaigns.
Разместил: Avtolik 25-06-2021, 09:00 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Killer Elite: The Inside Story of America's Most Secret Special Operations Team
Автор(ы): Smith Michael
Издательство: Cassell
Год: 2007
Страниц: 356
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11,40 MB

The 25-year history of a top-secret US Army special operations unit. ‘The Activity’, as it became known to insiders, has hidden behind a myriad of code-names like Gray Fox and Torn Victor. It has been publicly ‘disbanded’ and then secretly resurrected so often that it has near mythical status, even among the world's special operations elite. Michael Smith has spoken to many former members of ‘The Activity’ and we follow them on operations from the undercover ops in Beirut in the 1980s to the capture of Saddam Hussein and the assassination of key members of al Qa'eda. They were also active in South America, spearheading the war on the drug barons and providing the electronic surveillance that led Colombian ‘death squads’ to the hideouts of Pablo Escobar and his men. Killer Elite reveals the truth behind the world’s most secret Special Operations organisation: a unit that is at the forefront of the war on terror.
Разместил: Avtolik 25-06-2021, 09:00 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Spies: The U.S. and Russian Espionage Game From the Cold War to the 21st Century
Автор(ы): Kalic Sean
Издательство: Praeger
Год: 2019
Страниц: 264
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11,20 MB

In the post-World War II era, the Soviet Union and the United States wanted to gain the advantage in international security. Both engaged in intelligence gathering. This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of the espionage game. For more than four decades after World War II, the quest for intelligence drove the Soviet Union and the United States to develop a high-stakes "game" of spying on one another throughout the Cold War. Each nation needed to be aware of and prepared to counter the capabilities of their primary nemesis. Therefore, as the Cold War period developed and technology advanced, the mutual goal to maintain up-to-date intelligence mandated that the process by which the "game" was played encompass an ever-wider range of intelligence gathering means. Covering far more than the United States and Soviet Union's use of human spies, this book examines the advanced technological means by which the two nations' intelligence agencies worked to ensure that they had an accurate understanding of the enemy. The easily accessible narrative covers the Cold War period from 1945 to 1989 as well as the post-Cold War era, enabling readers to gain an understanding of how the spies and elaborate espionage operations fit within the greater context of the national security concerns of the United States and the Soviet Union. Well-known Cold War historian Sean N. Kalic explains the ideological tenets that fueled the distrust and "the need to know" between the two adversarial countries, supplies a complete history of the technological means used to collect intelligence throughout the Cold War and into the more recent post-Cold War years, and documents how a mutual desire to have the upper hand resulted in both sides employing diverse and creative espionage methods.
Разместил: Avtolik 25-06-2021, 09:00 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Spymaster’s Prism: The Fight Against Russian Aggression
Автор(ы): Devine Jack
Издательство: Potomac Books
Год: 2021
Страниц: 304
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 8,15 MB

In Spymaster's Prism: The Fight Against Russian Aggression legendary former spymaster Jack Devine aims to ignite public discourse on our country’s intelligence and counterintelligence posture against Russia, among other adversaries. Spymasters are not spies - their mission is to run and handle spies and spy networks. They exist in virtually all sophisticated intelligence services around the world, including the more high-profile services like the CIA, SVR, SIS, MSS, VAJA and Mossad. Without exception, these spymasters are highly trained and broadly experienced top-level government officials who are at the heart of the intelligence business. They make the life and death decisions. The vast majority of spymasters remain unknown to the world, but there are several legendary figures such as East German spy chief Marcus Wolf and CIA Soviet officer George Kisevalter who rise above the fray. To understand current Russian aggression towards the US, it’s crucial to know the history of it. Spymaster's Prism sheds urgent light on Russian intelligence activities by emphasizing the parallels between tactics used today and those that were employed during the Cold War. Considering this history, and present Russian intelligence activities, Devine also provides hard-edged policy prescriptions for countering Russian hostility going forward.
Разместил: Avtolik 25-06-2021, 09:00 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Military Low-Flying Aircraft: The Men Who Fly and the Skill of the Photographers that Capture Them
Автор(ы): Leek Michael
Издательство: Pen and Sword
Год: 2012
Страниц: 272
Язык: English
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 5,45 MB

The UK has some of the most dramatic landscapes for NATO pilots to exercise the increasingly important military art of high-speed low flying. It also offers splendid opportunities for photography of close-up dramatic shots taken from the hillsides and mountains of Wales, Scotland and other steep terrain within the UK. Pilots training for operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and other potential war zones, learn their skills flying through the valleys of the UK at near subsonic speed. For the legions of enthusiastic aviation photographers, thousands of whom can be seen at air shows, it provides ideal viewpoints.This book contains firsthand accounts from the pilots and expert advice for the photographer, together with stunning close-up color photos of the aircraft flying at eye-level and sometimes below the camera. It has the full support of the Royal Air Force and articles by the leading photographers in this field.
Разместил: Avtolik 25-06-2021, 09:00 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: The Last of Africa’s Cold War Conflicts: Portuguese Guinea and its Guerilla Insurgency
Автор(ы): Venter Al J.
Издательство: Pen and Sword Military
Год: 2020
Страниц: 240
Язык: English
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 5,14 MB

Portugal was the first European country to colonize Africa. It was also the last to leave, almost five centuries later. During the course of what Lisbon called its “civilizing mission in Africa” the Portuguese weathered numerous insurrections, but none as severe as the guerrilla war first launched in Angola in 1961 and two years later in Portuguese Guinea. While Angola had a solid economic infrastructure, that did not hold for the tiny West African enclave that was to become Guinea-Bissau. Both Soviets and Cubans believed that because that tiny colony- roughly the size of Belgium - had no resources and a small population, that Lisbon would soon capitulate. They were wrong, because hostilities lasted more than a decade and the 11-year struggle turned into the most intense of Lisbon's three African colonies. It was a classic African guerrilla campaign that kicked off in January 1963, but nobody noticed because what was taking place in Vietnam grabbed all the headlines. The Soviet-led guerrilla campaign in Portuguese Guinea was to go on and set the scene for the wars that followed in Rhodesia and present-day Namibia.
Разместил: Avtolik 25-06-2021, 09:00 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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