Автор: Taehyoun Oh, Ramesh Harjani Название: High Performance Multi-Channel High-Speed I/O Circuits Издательство: Springer Год: 2014 Серия: Analog Circuits and Signal Processing ISBN: 9781461449621 Язык: English Формат: pdf Размер: 10,8 mb Страниц: 89
The focus of the book is in developing compact and low power integrated circuits for crosstalk cancellation, inter-symbol interference (ISI) mitigation and improved bit error rates (BER) at higher speeds. This book is one of the first to discuss in detail the problem of crosstalk and ISI mitigation encountered as data rates have continued beyond 10Gb/s. Readers will learn to avoid the data performance cliff, with circuits and design techniques described for novel, low power crosstalk cancellation methods that are easily combined with current ISI mitigation architectures.
2x6 Gb/s MIMO Crosstalk Cancellation and Signal Reutilization Scheme in 130 nm CMOS Process Oh. Taehyoun (et al.)
4 x 12 Gb/s MIMO Crosstalk Cancellation and Signal Reutilization Receiver in 65 nm CMOS Process Oh. Taehyoun (et al.)
Adaptive XTCR, AGC, and Adaptive DFE Loop Oh, Taehyoun (et al.)
Research Summary and Contributions Oh, Taehyoun (et al.)