Название: Oscillators Simplified With 61 Projects Автор: Delton T. Horn Издательство: Tab Books Год: 1987 Страниц: 258 ISBN: 0-8306-0375-1 Формат: PDF Размер: 10.1 Мб Язык: English
One of the most basic of all electronic circuits is the oscillator, or signal generator. Virtually all electronics systems incorporate at least one such circuit.While information on signal generators is not terribly hard to find, there has been no single source devoted to the oscillator until now. This book tells you all you need to know about oscillator and signal generator circuits for almost any application. Over 60 practical projects are included. These circuits can be readily adapted to suit your individual requirements.
Introduction VII List of Projects VIII 1. Oscillators and Signal Generators 1 What Is an Oscillator? - Waveforms - Signal Generators - Relaxatton Oscillators-Feedback Oscillators-Resonance- Applications--Test Equipment 2. Sine Wave Oscillators 32 LC Parallel Resonant Tanks-The Hartfey Oscillator-The Coipltts Oscillator-The Armstrong Oscillator-The TITO Oscillator-The Crystal Oscillator 3. Other Transistor-Based Signal Generators 62 Triangle Wave Generators-Rectangle Wave Generators- Sawtooth Wave Generators-Unusual Waveform Generators 4. UJTS 81 How a UJT Works-The Basic UJT Relaxation Oscillator-Typical Design Example-Sawtooth Wave Generators-Unusual Waveform Generator 5. Op Amp Circuits 97 Sine Wave Oscillators--Square Wave Generators-Rectangle Wave and Pulse Generators-Triangle Wave Generators- Sawtooth Wave Generators-Staircase Wave Generators 6. Timer Circuits 123 The Basic 5S5 Astable MuitMbrator Circuit-Multiple Timer ICs- The 2240 Programmable Timer 7. The VCO 144 A Simple VCO Circuit-Multi-Waveforrn VCO--Sine Wave VCO-Op Amp VCO-Voltage- to-Frequency Conversion-VCOs and Electronic Music 8. The PLL 161 What Is a PLL?-The PLL In Actlan-Some Typical PLL ICs- Appl lcations 9. Digital Signal Generators 173 Clock Pulse Generators - Dedicated Clock ICs -Digital Synthesis - Digital Function Generators - Digitally Generated Sine Waves--Music-Making Circuits 10. Dedicated Signal Generator ICs 225 The XR-2206 Function Generator-The 8038 Waveform Generator - VCO ICs - The MK50240 Top Octave Generator - Sound Effects Generators Index 237
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