Название: Teach Yourself Wildlife Photography - 6th Edition, 2022 Автор: Коллектив Издательство: Future Год: 2022 Формат: PDF Страниц: 196 Размер: 159,6 МБ Язык: Английский
Discover tips for garden wildlife, photographing in zoos, bird portraits and bug safaris; location shoots for deer, seals, puffins and butterflies; and a selection of inspiring images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Follow our apprentices out on shoots with some of the industry's best professional photographers. Find out key tips and tricks for taking your imagery to the text level from garden and domestic wildlife to photographing beasts out in the wild.
Secrets of Backyard Bird Photography Название: Secrets of Backyard Bird Photography Автор: J. Chris Hansen Издательство: Rocky Nook Год: 2014 Формат: pdf Страниц: 129 Для сайта:...