Название: A Companion to Byzantine Illustrated Manuscripts Автор: Editor: Vasiliki Tsamakda Издательство: brill Год: 2017 Формат: pdf Страниц: 644 Размер: 38.2 Мб Язык: английский
This volume offers an overview of Byzantine manuscript illustration, a central branch of Byzantine art and culture. Just like written texts, illustrations bear witness to Byzantine material culture, imperial ideology and religious beliefs, as well as to the development and spread of Byzantine art.
Preliminary Material pp.: i–xxi 1 The Use and Function of Illustrated Books in Byzantine Society pp.: 3–22 (20) 2 The Study of Byzantine Illustrated Manuscripts since Kurt Weitzmann: Art Historical Methods and Approaches pp.: 23–34 (12) 3 Codicology and Palaeography pp.: 35–53 (19) 4 Scientific, Medical and Technical Manuscripts pp.: 55–113 (59) 5 Historical Writings pp.: 114–135 (22) 6 Homeric Epics pp.: 136–147 (12) 7 Barlaam and Ioasaph pp.: 149–168 (20) 8 The Alexander Romance pp.: 169–176 (8) 9 The Vatican Epithalamion? pp.: 177–183 (7) 10 The Complete Bible pp.: 185–194 (10) 11 The Book of Genesis pp.: 197–206 (10) 12 The Joshua Roll pp.: 207–213 (7) 13 The Octateuch pp.: 214–226 (13) 14 The Vatican Book of Kings (*Vat. gr. 333) pp.: 227–235 (9) 15 The Book of Job pp.: 236–245 (10) 16 The Prophet Book pp.: 246–258 (13) 17 New Testament Imagery pp.: 261–269 (9) 18 Illustrated Byzantine Gospel Books pp.: 270–284 (15) 19 The Lectionary pp.: 287–299 (13) 20 Psalters and Books of Hours (Horologia) pp.: 300–309 (10) 21 Liturgical Scrolls pp.: 310–318 (9) 22 Synaxaria and Menologia pp.: 319–327 (9) 23 The Akathistos Hymn pp.: 328–348 (21) 24 The Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus pp.: 351–365 (15) 25 The Homilies of John Chrysostom pp.: 366–381 (16) 26 The Homilies of Iakovos of the Kokkinobaphou Monastery pp.: 382–393 (12) 27 The Christian Topography of Kosmas Indikopleustes pp.: 395–406 (12) 28 The Heavenly Ladder pp.: 407–417 (11) 29 Sacra Parallela (*Par. gr. 923) pp.: 418–429 (12) 30 The Dogmatic Panoply? pp.: 430–431 (2) General Bibliography pp.: 433–498 (66) General Index pp.: 499–510 (12) Index of Manuscripts pp.: 511–520 (10) Illustrations pp.: 521–622 (102)