Название: Early Chinese Religion, Part One: Shang through Han (1250 BC-220 AD) (2 vols) Автор: Editors: John Lagerwey and Marc Kalinowski Издательство: brill Год: 2008 Формат: pdf Страниц: 1280 Размер: 18.9 Мб Язык: английский
Together, and for the first time in any language, the 24 essays gathered in these volumes provide a composite picture of the history of religion in ancient China from the emergence of writing ca. 1250 BC to the collapse of the first major imperial dynasty in 220 AD. It is a multi-faceted tale of changing gods and rituals that includes the emergence of a form of “secular humanism” that doubts the existence of the gods and the efficacy of ritual and of an imperial orthodoxy that founds its legitimacy on a distinction between licit and illicit sacrifices. Written by specialists in a variety of disciplines, the essays cover such subjects as divination and cosmology, exorcism and medicine, ethics and self-cultivation, mythology, taboos, sacrifice, shamanism, burial practices, iconography, and political philosophy.
Preliminary Materials pp.: i–xvi Introduction pp.: 1–38 (38) Shang State Religion And The Pantheon Of The Oracle Texts pp.: 39–102 (64) Shang And Zhou Funeral Practices: Interpretation Of Material Vestiges pp.: 103–142 (40) Bronze Inscriptions, The Shijing And The Shangshu: The Evolution Of The Ancestral Sacrifice During The Western Zhou pp.: 143–200 (58) Rituals For The Earth pp.: 201–234 (34) Ancestor Worship During The Eastern Zhou pp.: 235–280 (46) Ritual And Ritual Texts In Early China pp.: 281–314 (34) Chinese History Writing Between The Sacred And The Secular pp.: 315–340 (26) Diviners And Astrologers Under The Eastern Zhou: Transmitted Texts And Recent Archaeological Discoveries pp.: 341–396 (56) The Image And Status Of Shamans In Ancient China pp.: 397–458 (62) The Subject And The Sovereign: Exploring The Self In Early Chinese Self-Cultivation pp.: 459–518 (60) Ethics And Self-Cultivation Practice In Early China pp.: 519–542 (24) The Mythology Of Early China pp.: 543–594 (52) Ritual Practices For Constructing Terrestrial pp.: 595–644 (50) The Rite, The Norm And The Dao: Philosophy Of Sacrifice And Transcendence Of Power In Ancient China pp.: 645–748 (104) Combining The Ghosts And Spirits, Centering The Realm: Mortuary Ritual And Political Organization In The Ritual Compendia Of Early China pp.: 749–776 (28) Classics Without Canonization: Learning And Authority In Qin And Han pp.: 777–832 (56) State And Local Cults In Han Religion pp.: 833–868 (36) Language Of Heaven, Exegetical Skepticism And The Re-Insertion Of Religious Concepts In The Gongyang Tradition pp.: 869–894 (26) The Economics Of Religion In Warring States And Early Imperial China pp.: 895–936 (42) Taboos: An Aspect Of Belief In The Qin And Han pp.: 937–1004 (68) Death And The Dead: Practices And Images In The Qin And Han pp.: 1005–1082 (78) Eastern Han Commemorative Stelae: Laying The Cornerstones Of Public Memory pp.: 1083–1116 (34) Latter Han Religious Mass Movements And The Early Daoist Church pp.: 1117–1158 (42) They Shall Expel Demons: Etiology, The Medical Canon And The Transformation Of Medical Techniques Before The Tang pp.: 1159–1206 (48) List Of Authors pp.: 1207–1212 (6) Bibliography pp.: 1213–1268 (56) Index pp.: 1269–1312 (44)