Автор: Sheila Fitzpatrick Название: Stalinism: New Directions Издательство: Routledge Год: 2000 ISBN: 0415152348 Серия: Rewriting Histories Язык: English Формат: pdf Размер: 10,1 mb Страниц: xviii, 377 p.
The articles are contextualized by a thorough introduction to the totalitarian/revisionist arguments and post-revisionist developments. Eschewing an exclusively high-political focus, the book draws together work on class, identity, consumption culture, and agency. Stalinist terror and nationalities policy are reappraised in the light of new archival findings. Stalinism offers a nuanced navigation of an emotive and misrepresented chapter of the Russian past.
PART I Social identities Introduction to Part I
1 Ascribing class: the construction of social identity in Soviet Russia SHEILA FITZPATRICK 2 "Us against them": social identity in Soviet Russia. 1934-41 SARAH DAVIES
PART II Private and public practices Introduction to Part II
3 Fashioning the Stalinist soul: the diary of Stepan Podlubnyi. 1931-9 JOCHEN HELLBECK 4 Denunciation and its functions in Soviet governance: from the archive of the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1944-53 VLADIMIR A. KOZLOV 5 Games of Stalinist democracy: ideological discussions in Soviet sciences 1947-52 ALEXEI KOJEVNIKOV
PART III Consumption and civilization Introduction to Part III
6 Cultured trade: the Stalinist turn towards consumerism JULIE HESSLER 7 The concept of kuVturnost': notes on the Stalinist civilizing process VADIM VOLKOV 8 "Dear comrade, you ask what we need": socialist paternalism and Soviet rural "notables" in the mid-1930s LEWIS H. SIEGELBAUM
PART IV Varieties of terror Introduction to Part IV
9 The purging of local cliques in the Urals region. 1936-7 JAMES R. HARRIS 10 "Socially harmful elements" and the Great Terror PAUL HAGENLOH
PART V Nationality as a status Introduction to Part V
11 The Soviet Union as a communal apartment, or how a socialist state promoted ethnic particularism YURI SLEZKINE 12 Modernization or neo-traditionalism? Ascribed nationality and Soviet primordialism TERRY MARTIN Further reading Index