Название: Manzikert to Lepanto: the Byzantine world and the Turks 1071-1571 : papers given at the nineteenth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Birmingham, March 1985 Автор: edited by Anthony Bryer and Michael Ursinus Издательство: Amsterdam: A.M. Hakkert Год: 1991 Формат: pdf Страниц: 483 Размер: 30.9 Мб Язык: английский
метариалы конференции
Table of Contents Frontmatter EDITORIAL NOTEAnthony Bryer / Michael Ursinus, page 1 THE FRAMEWORK 1. The Byzantine state on the eve of the battle of ManzikertMichael Angold, page 9 2. Twelfth-century Byzantine and Turkish statesRalph-Johannes Lilie, page 35 3. The Ottoman state on the eve of Lepanto, 1571Hans Georg Majer, page 53 I SECURITY AND WARFARE 1. The cost of late Byzantine warfare and defenseMark C. Bartusis, page 75 2. The cost of Ottoman warfare and defenseCaroline Finkel, page 91 II CONTACTS AND INHERITANCE 1. A sixteenth-century Turkish apology for Islam: the Gurbetname-i Sultan CemBarbara Flemming, page 105 2. Remnants of pre-Ottoman institutions in early Ottoman Cyprus: the Kanakaria documents and other testimoniesCostas P. Kyrris, page 123 3. Privacy in Byzantine and Ottoman housesSimon Ellis, page 151 4. Phrygia between Byzantines and SeljuksKlaus Belke, page 159 5. Cuisine grecque et cuisine turque selon l'experience des voyageurs (XVe-XVIe si?clesJacques Paviot, page 167 III SOCIETIES AND ECONOMIES 1. Nomads or bandits? The pastoralist/sedentarist interface in AnatoliaKeith Hopwood, page 179 2. The Frankish ArchipelagoBen Slot, page 195 3. The Anatolian town and its place within the administrative structure of the Ottoman state (1500-1590)Suraiya Faroqhi, page 209 4. Les communes dans les regions grecques de l'Empire Ottoman: fonctions fiscales et restrictivesSpyros I Asdrachas, page 245 5. Byzantine and Ottoman ThessalonikiVasilis Dimitriades, page 265 IV MONASTERIES, TEKKES AND THEIR FATES 1. The fate of Byzantine monastic properties under the Ottomans: examples from Mount Athos, Limnos and TrabzonHenry W. Lowry, page 275 2. The long-lived relations between Christians and Moslems in Central Anatolia: dervishes, papadhes and country folkMichel Balivet, page 313 V BEYOND BYZANTINES AND OTTOMANS 1. Between Arab and Turk: Aleppo from the 11th till the 13th centuriesJ?rgen S. Nielsen, page 323 2. A call to arms: Michael Marullus to Charles VIIIMichael J. McGann, page 341 3. Jews, Romanians and Ottomans in the Middle Age: Joseph Nassi and MoldaviaVictor Eskenasy, page 351 4. On the alleged 'destruction' of the Great Horde in 1502Leslie Collins, page 361 VI PATRONAGE IN ART AND LITERATURE 1. Art and patronage in Serbia during the early period of Ottoman rule (1450-1600)Sreten Petkovi?, page 401 2. The portrait of king Marko at Markov Manastir (1376-1381)Zaga Gavrilovi?, page 415 3. Byzantine architecture and painting in Central Greece, 1460-1570Machiel Kiel, page 429 4. Manuel II Palaiologos: interpreter of dreams?George Calofonos, page 447 PLATESpage 457