Название: Plague and Contagion in the Islamic Mediterranean Автор: N?khet Varlik Издательство: Arc Humanities Press Год: 2017 Формат: pdf Страниц: 337 Размер: 10.5 Мб Язык: English
This book discusses diseases that affected human and non-human populations in areas stretching from the Red Sea and Egypt to Anatolia, the Balkans, and the Black Sea, in the early modern and modern eras. It tackles various questions of historiography and sources, tests new interdisciplinary methodologies, and asks new questions while revisiting older ones. It contributes to Ottoman studies, the history of medicine, Mediterranean and European history, as well as global studies on the role of epidemics in history.
В этой книге рассматриваются болезни, поражавшие людей и животных на территориях от Красного моря и Египта до Анатолии, Балкан и Черного моря в раннюю и современную эпохи. В ней рассматриваются различные вопросы историографии и источников, апробируются новые междисциплинарные методологии, задаются новые вопросы и одновременно пересматриваются старые. Книга вносит вклад в османские исследования, историю медицины, средиземноморскую и европейскую историю, а также в глобальные исследования, посвященные роли эпидемий в истории.
Contents List of Illustrations Introduction Part One: Rethinking Historiography and Sources A Historiography of Epidemics in the Islamic Mediterranean Scholars, Sufis, and Disease: Can Muslim Religious Works Offer Us Novel Insights On Plagues and Epidemics Among the Medieval and Early Modern Ottomans? "Oriental Plague" or Epidemiological Orientalism? Revisiting the Plague Episteme of the Early Modern Mediterranean Part Two: Diseases in Context A Model Disaster: From the Great Ottoman Panzootic to the Cattle Plagues of Early Modern Europe Veterinary Medicine in Nineteenth-Century Egypt Smallpox in the Harem: Communicable Diseases and the Ottoman Fear of Dynastic Extinction During the Early Sultanate of Ahmed I (R. 1603-17) Epilepsy as a "Contagious" Disease in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Ottoman World Part Three: Responses to Epidemic Diseases Religion and Ottoman Society's Responses to Epidemics in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Plague in Eighteenth-Century Cairo: In Search of Burial and Memorial Sites Nowhere to Run to, Nowhere to Hide? Society, State, and Epidemic Diseases in the Early Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Balkans Cholera, Pilgrimage, and International Politics of Sanitation: The Quarantine Station on the Island of Kamaran Bibliography Index