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Название: Fighting Churchill, Appeasing Hitler: Neville Chamberlain, Sir Horace Wilson, & Britain's Plight of Appeasement: 1937-1939
Автор: Adrian Phillips
Издательство: Pegasus Books
Год: 2019
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 368
Размер: 18 Mb
Язык: English

A radically new view of the British policy of appeasement in the late 1930s, identifying the individuals responsible for a variety of miscalculations and moral surrender that made World War II inevitable.

Appeasement failed in all its goals. The kindest thing that can be said of it is that postponed World War II by one year. Its real effect was to convince Hitler and Mussolini that Britain was weak and afraid of confrontation, encouraging them to ever-greater acts of aggression. The turning point of the Czech crisis in September 1938 came when Wilson saw Hitler on his own and left him convinced that Britain was bluffing and would not go to war to defend Czechoslovakia. The dismemberment of Czechoslovakia that followed was not the end of appeasement. The Anglo-German Declaration was Chamberlain's personal vanity project but both Chamberlain and Wilson believed that it genuinely brought "peace for our time."
Разместил: vitvikvas 3-12-2019, 10:42 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: A Crisis of Peace: George Washington, the Newburgh Conspiracy, and the Fate of the American Revolution
Автор: David Head
Издательство: Pegasus Books
Год: 2019
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 400
Размер: 29,2 Mb
Язык: English

The dramatic story of George Washington's first crisis of the fledgling republic.
In the war's waning days, the American Revolution neared collapse when Washington's senior officers were rumored to approach the edge of mutiny.

After the British surrender at Yorktown, the American Revolution blazed on, and as peace was negotiated in Europe, grave problems surfaced at home. The government was broke and paid its debts with loans from France. Political rivalry among the states paralyzed Congress. The army's officers, encamped near Newburgh, New York, and restless without an enemy to fight, brooded over a civilian population indifferent to their sacrifices.
Разместил: vitvikvas 3-12-2019, 10:05 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Genius & Anxiety: How Jews Changed the World, 1847-1947
Автор: Norman Lebrecht
Издательство: Scribner
Год: 2019
Формат: EPUB, PDF
Страниц: 464
Размер: 20,6 Mb
Язык: English

A unique chronicle of the years 1847-1947, the century when the Jewish people changed the world—and it changed them.
In a hundred-year period, a handful of men and women changed the way we see the world. Many of them are well known—Marx, Freud, Proust, Einstein, Kafka. Others have vanished from collective memory despite their enduring importance in our daily lives. Without Karl Landsteiner, for instance, there would be no blood transfusions or major surgery. Without Paul Ehrlich, no chemotherapy. Without Siegfried Marcus, no motor car. Without Rosalind Franklin, genetic science would look very different. Without Fritz Haber, there would not be enough food to sustain life on earth.

What do these visionaries have in common? They all had Jewish origins. They all had a gift for thinking in wholly original, even earth-shattering ways. In 1847 the Jewish people made up less than 0.25% of the world’s population, and yet they saw what others could not. How? Why?
Разместил: vitvikvas 3-12-2019, 09:08 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Ранний и средний палеолит Северо-Западного Кавказа
Автор: Кулаков С.
Год: 2018
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 389
Для сайта: Mirknig.su
Размер: 24.2 Мб
Язык: русский

Главная цель исследования – разработка моделей заселения и освоения Северо-Западного Кавказа человеческими коллективами в разные периоды каменного века.
Разместил: balik2 2-12-2019, 23:35 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Система управления на Северном Кавказе в конце XVIII - первой трети XIX века
Автор: Блиева З.М.
Издательство: Владикавказ: СОГУ
Год: 1992
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 111
Размер: 12 mb
Язык: Русский

В пособии рассматривается развитие административных и судебных учреждений на Северном Кавказе в период становления в регионе российского аппарата управления. Источниковую базу составил документальный материал архивных хранилищ Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга, а также опубликованные источники.
Разместил: na5ballov 2-12-2019, 17:36 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Out of the Holocaust
Автор: Peter Volodja Boe
Издательство: Elm Hill
Год: 2019
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 212
Размер: 12,1 Mb
Язык: English

The details of my (and my brother’s) birth are unknown. My memories begin in Latvia. DNA tests strongly indicate that we are of Belarusian-Jewish origin, meaning that we might have been born in southeastern Latvia or in Belarus bordering on southern Latvia. Our mother is listed as “Miss Sinegins” in our personal records. Russian authorities stated our years of birth, mine 1937, my brother’s 1939. We plucked the specific dates out a bowl.
In 1943, I was about 6, my brother about 4 or 5, when our assumed mother felt it necessary to turn us over to the Baldone Children’s Home in Latvia due to ill health and extreme poverty. About a year later, the orphans and caretakers at that home trekked to Riga, Latvia’s capital city, to be transported to the Majori Children’s Home. We were there but a few months when we all were transported by ship, under German oversight, to Germany in October, 1944. We along with many other orphans resided at several homes and residences. Approximately half of our group of 130 orphans was transported to America after the war. Some died. Many were transported to other countries, and some remained in Germany due to ill health or other factors. My brother and I resided in foster homes and at a children’s home in St. Paul, Minnesota, until 1950, when we were adopted by the Rev. Victor Boe, former Dean of Men at Concordia College, and Hilda Boe, former librarian at the college.
Разместил: vitvikvas 2-12-2019, 14:16 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: On the Moon: The Apollo Journals
Автор: Grant Heiken, Eric Jones
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2007
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 498
Размер: 18,3 Mb
Язык: English

This book explains how the Apollo crews learned to work on the lunar surface. Its lively and informative text draws heavily on transcripts and photographs to illustrate points. It puts the reader on the lunar surface with the astronauts, sharing their observations, excitement, and frustrations. The book describes the challenging yet exhilarating lunar environment facing the Apollo astronauts, and reveals their courageous, sometimes creative and occasionally humorous adaptation to the field conditions on another planet. Recent interviews with the astronauts are included in which they recall their thoughts after more than 25 years of reflection.
Разместил: vitvikvas 2-12-2019, 13:38 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: The Encyclopedia of Jewish Symbols
Автор: Ellen Frankel, Betsy Platkin Teutsch
Издательство: Jason Aronson Inc
Год: 1995
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 262
Размер: 18,3 Mb
Язык: Emglish

The Encyclopedia of Jewish Symbols contains more than 250 definitions and descriptions for ceremonial objects and images, personalities, places, concepts, motifs, and events-all representing central Jewish ideas that continue to play a meaningful role in defining Jewish experience today.
Разместил: vitvikvas 2-12-2019, 12:24 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Проблемы истории и культуры средневекового общества. Курбатовские чтения 2015 г
Автор: Коллектив авторов
Издательство: Санкт-Петербург: Свое издательство
Год: 2017
Формат: pdf/djvu
Страниц: 380
Для сайта: Mirknig.su
Размер: 12 mb
Язык: русский

В сборник вошли материалы XXXV всероссийской научной конференции «Курбатовские чтения» (1–4 декабря 2015 года). Конференция проходила под эгидой Кафедры истории средних веков Института истории Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Университета.
Разместил: na5ballov 2-12-2019, 07:33 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Сталинские политотделы в Сибири. Чрезвычайные органы ВКП(б) в политическом и социокультурном пространстве советской деревни (1930-е гг.)
Автор: Шевляков А.С.
Издательство: Томск: ТГУ
Год: 2007
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 218
Для сайта: Mirknig.su
Размер: 10 mb
Язык: русский

В монографии на основе многочисленных источников, в том числе неопубликованных документов, исследуется деятельность политотделов МТС и совхозов Сибири в 1930-е гг. Рассмотрены доктринальные основы и конкретно-исторические причины образования чрезвычайных органов партии, а также основное содержание работы политотделов: карательно-административные акции в деревне, политическая, организаторская и хозяйственная деятельность. Раскрывается роль специальных органов ВКП(6) в формировании политического и социокультурного пространства советской колхозно-совхозной деревни и место в партийно-государственной иерархии. Подведены итоги работы политотделов в МТС и совхозах региона, определены причины ликвидации названных структур.
Разместил: na5ballov 2-12-2019, 07:01 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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