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 Название:The Birth of the Republic, 1763-89 Автор: Edmund S. Morgan; Rosemarie Zagarri Издательство: University of Chicago Press Год: 2012 Формат: epub Страниц: 240 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 655 kB Язык: English InThe Birth of the Republic, 1763–89, Edmund S. Morgan shows how the challenge of British taxation started Americans on a search for constitutional principles to protect their freedom, and eventually led to the Revolution. By demonstrating that the founding fathers’ political philosophy was not grounded in theory, but rather grew out of their own immediate needs, Morgan paints a vivid portrait of how the founders’ own experiences shaped their passionate convictions, and these in turn were incorporated into the Constitution and other governmental documents.
Разместил: mihail1000 27-01-2019, 22:43 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название:American Gulag: Inside U.S. Immigration Prisons Автор: Mark Dow Издательство: Oakland : University of California Press Ewing : California Princeton Fulfillment Services [distributor] Oct. Год: 2004 Формат: pdf Страниц: 429 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 2 MB Язык: English Before September 11, 2001, few Americans had heard of immigration detention, but in fact a secret and repressive prison system run by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service has existed in this country for more than two decades.
Разместил: mihail1000 27-01-2019, 22:41 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название:The Top 100 Military Sites in America Автор: L. Douglas Keeney Издательство: Lyons Press Год: 2018 Формат: epub Страниц: 258 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 32 MB Язык: English Did you know that the Coast Guard mounted a rescue effort on 9.11 and evacuated more than 100,000 New Yorkers from Manhattan by boat? Go to the little-known Naval Air Station Wildwood Museum in Cape May, New Jersey to discover that story. How about the remnants of the helicopter from Blackhawk Down or the lifeboat from Captain Phillips – or even the Airbus pulled from the Hudson River that was piloted by Sully Sullenberger? We’ll tell you where to go to find all of these objects – and many, many more.
Разместил: mihail1000 27-01-2019, 22:39 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название:American Agriculture in the Twentieth Century: How It Flourished and What It Cost Автор: Bruce L. Gardner Издательство: Cambridge : Harvard University Press Год: 2006 Формат: pdf Страниц: 401 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 2 MB Язык: English American agriculture in the twentieth century has given the world one of its great success stories, a paradigm of productivity and plenty. Yet the story has its dark side, from the plight of the Okies in the 1930s to the farm crisis of the 1980s to today's concerns about low crop prices and the impact of biotechnology. Looking at U.
Разместил: mihail1000 27-01-2019, 22:35 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название:American Ways: A Guide for Foreigners in the United States, 2nd Edition Автор: Gary Althen Amanda R. Doran Susan J. Szmania Издательство: Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd. Год: 2002 Формат: pdf Страниц: 328 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 793 kB Язык: English Traveling to America soon? If the thought of extended exposure among Americans seems daunting, let American Ways: A Guide for Foreigners in the United States help you prepare. In this revised edition, Gary Althen has added material to provide the clearest insights yet into the American psyche and culture, including the rewritten chapter Ways of Reasoning, which provides one of the best-organized and clearest presentations of American thought processes to date, and a new chapter on race and ethnic relations that compares how foreign visitors and Americans alike perceive American subcultures. Within most chapters Althen has included a new section, Suggestions for Foreign Visitors, adding another practical dimension to the book.
Разместил: mihail1000 27-01-2019, 22:33 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название:Dark Victory: The United States and Global Poverty (Transnational Institute) Автор: Walden Bello Издательство: London : Pluto ; Oakland : Food First ; Amsterdam : TNI Год: 1999 Формат: pdf Страниц: 173 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 607 kB Язык: English A critique of why Third World poverty is so prevalent. Hunger and malnutrition stalk the countries of the South. Over the last 20 years, as the populations of these countries have increased, so too has mass poverty.
Разместил: mihail1000 27-01-2019, 22:31 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название:Immigration and the Nation-State: The United States, Germany, and Great Britain Автор: Christian Joppke Издательство: Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press Год: 2000 Формат: pdf Страниц: 367 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 1 MB Язык: English This important new study compares the postwar politics of immigration control and immigrant integration in the United States, Germany, and Great Britain. Against current diagnoses of nation-states diminished by globalization and international human rights regimes and discourses, the author argues that nation-states have proved remarkably resilient, at least in the face of immigration.
Разместил: mihail1000 27-01-2019, 22:29 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название:Missouri Outlaws: Bandits, Rebels & Rogues Автор: Paul Kirkman Издательство: History Pr Год: 2018 Формат: epub Страниц: 139 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 4 MB Язык: English Whether seen as a common criminal or Robin Hood with a six-shooter, the Missouri outlaw left an indelible mark on American culture. In the nineteenth century, Missouri was known as the "Outlaw State" and offered a list of lawbreakers like Jesse James, Bloody Bill Anderson, Belle Starr and Cole Younger. These notorious criminals became folk legends in countless books, movies and television shows.
Разместил: mihail1000 27-01-2019, 22:27 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название:American Story: The Real Story of the Real America from Its Beginnings to Now Автор: Garet Garrett Издательство: New York : W.W. Norton & Co. Год: 1955 Формат: pdf Страниц: 413 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 23 MB Язык: English He was a defender of free enterprise who adored the magnificence of the American genius for progress.He was a champion of business who believed in profiting the old-fashioned way.He was a libertarian who deplored the rise of big government.He was a constitutionalist who was aghast at how presidents and congresses shredded the document in times of economic crisis and war.He was the last of the great old-time liberals who opposed FDR's welfare-warfare state.Above all else, he was a brilliant student of the American experience who could tell a story like no one else of his generation.Garet Garrett's last book was his own retelling of American history, with a special focus on the technologies (and people behind them) that transformed life for average people, along with a relentless and truth-telling story about the rise of the state.These had been the themes of all of his work, from his novels of the 1920s to his case against the New Deal in the 1930s. The American Story tells the history of the American people as it has never been told, from an early experiment in freedom and the fight against the powers in Washington that sought to suppress that freedom, all the way through the beginnings of a preventable Cold War.The Wall Street Journal called this book "probably the most brilliant long historical essay on America that has ever been written."The images that the author presses on the mind in The American Story — a complete biography of a country — are vivid and telling, the product of a lifetime of study and the wisdom of age.To search for Mises Institute titles, enter a keyword and LvMI (short for Ludwig von Mises Institute); e.g., Depression LvMI
Разместил: mihail1000 27-01-2019, 22:25 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название:Mayapan, Yucatan, Mexico Автор: Pollock H.E.D., Roys Ralph R., Proskouriakoff Tatiana, Smith Ledyard Издательство: Carnegie Institution of Washington Год: 1962 Формат: pdf Страниц: 515 p. Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 29 MB Язык: English The collection of monographs in the present volume forms a part of the final reporting on the results of a program of archaeological and historical researches concerned with Yucatan and adjacent areas that were begun in 1949 and are at present reaching completion. The character, the objectives, the expectations of this program are set forth in some detail elsewhere (carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book pp. 221 and the work is related to some forty years of Middle American research by Carnegie Institution in yet another place (year Book 57, pp. 43 5 In the-later article there is the following summary QM p. 446)
Разместил: mihail1000 27-01-2019, 22:21 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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