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Название: Christopher Blossom. Premier Maritime Artist
Художник: Christopher Blossom
Издательство: Самиздат
Год: 2010
Страниц: 78
Формат: JPEG
Размер: 140 MB

Кристофер Блоссом - ведущий современный американский художник-маринист. В его творчестве превалирует романтика Золотого века парусного флота
Like a member of another famous American art family, the Wyeths, Christopher Blossom follows in a line of highly accomplished artists. Both his grandfather, Earl, and his father David, were celebrated commercial artists. Their influence in combination with Chris’ own unique approach to easel painting have led him to become regarded as one of the undisputed leaders of today’s generation of marine painters. Born in 1956, Blossom has received a level of recognition that most artists need a lifetime to achieve. At the age of twenty, he was awarded a “Scholarship Gold Medal” by the Society of Illustrators. He went on to become a charter member and then President of the American Society of Marine Artists. Shortly thereafter, he was accepted into the exclusive Society of Historical Artists. He is the only marine artist to have been elected to the prestigious National Academy of Western Art, from whom he received a “Gold Medal” in 1991. He was one of only 20 artists nationwide selected by Forbes Magazine, and American Artist Magazine to paint the Forbes family ranch in Colorado and their chateau in Normandy, France for two special exhibitions in New York City. He is also one of the 29 elected members of the Plein Air Painters of America.
Разместил: Gerza 26-05-2018, 11:50 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Освобождение юго-восточной и центральной Европы войсками 2-го и 3-го Украинских фронтов
Автор: Захаров М.В. (ред.)
Издательство: М.: Наука
Год: 1970
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 676
Размер: 68 mb
Язык: Русский
Качество: Среднее

В предлагаемой вниманию читателей работе авторы стремились возможно полнее воссоздать обстановку, я которой развертывались и происходили события на южном крыле советско-германского фронта с августа 1944 г. до победного мая 1945 г.
Разместил: na5ballov 26-05-2018, 11:25 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: The Gun Digest Book of Automatic Pistols Assembly/Disassembly
Автор(ы): Kevin Muramatsu
Издательство: Krause Publ; Fourth Edition
Год: 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1440230066
Страниц: 768
Язык: English
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 190 MB

Cleaning, Repairing and Maintaining Pistols Has Never Been Easier!
Gun Digest Book of Automatic Pistols Assembly/Disassembly, 4th Edition is the indispensable guide to DIY disassembly, repair, and reassembly of semi-automatic pistols of all types. Step-by-step disassembly and reassembly instructions for over 90 models and over 300 closely-related variants, including the addition of newer pistols from:
-Sig Sauer
-Smith & Wesson
-And More!
Detailed photographs and clear, simple text make it easy to disassemble and reassemble a wide range of modern and vintage models.
Gun Digest Book of Automatic Pistols Assembly/Disassembly, 4th Edition is your go-to source for time- and money-saving techniques for today's hottest semi-automatic pistols.
Разместил: Gerza 26-05-2018, 10:40 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Early Soviet Jet Bombers
Автор: Yefim Gordon
Издательство: Midland Publishing Ltd.
Серия: Red Star Vol. 17
Год: 2004
ISBN: 1857801814
Страниц: 128
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 78 MB

As World War II drew to a close, the Soviet government was well aware that today's allies would soon be tomorrow's adversaries. This meant new bombers had to be developed for dealing strikes at the potential adversaries' military and political centers. Having gained access to German jet aircraft technology and the men behind it in 1945, the Soviet Union put them to good use when developing its own jet bombers. The first jet bomber to fly in the USSR was the Junkers EF131. Built in 1946, it was based on the unconventional forward-swept wing Ju 287 V2, which had been captured in incomplete form. This was followed by the EF140 (a similar FSW design differing in powerplant) and the equally unusual T-tailed, bicycle-gear 'aircraft 150' developed by Brunolf Baade which was ultimately rejected in favor of the Tupolev Tu-16. The first wholly indigenous Soviet jet bomber came from the Ilyushin design bureau; it was the four-engined IL-22 of 1947. Other experimental Ilyushin bombers - the IL-30, IL-46 and IL-54 which lost out to competing designs - are described in this book, as are the Tupolev 'aircraft 77', 'aircraft 82' and the 'aircraft 72/73/78' series which culminated in the Tu-14 twinjet bomber built on a small scale, mainly for the Soviet Navy.
Разместил: Gerza 26-05-2018, 10:07 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Armored Victory 1945: U.S. Army Tank Combat in the European Theater from the Battle of the Bulge to Germany's Surrender
Автор(ы): Steven Zaloga
Издательство: Stackpole Books
Год: 2012
ISBN: 0811707717
Страниц: 512
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 86 MB

Beautifully illustrated with more than 1,200 photos of American tanks and armored vehicles and includes all varieties of American armor, from Shermans to Hellcats, plus many photos of German tanks. This volume completes Zaloga's two-volume photo history of American armor in Europe, covering the Battle of the Bulge, the Rhine crossings, and the final battles inside Germany. Perfect for modelers and World War II enthusiasts alike. Companion to Armored Attack 1944.
Разместил: Gerza 26-05-2018, 09:58 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Пистолеты и револьверы. Электронный справочникНазвание: Пистолеты и револьверы. Электронный справочник
Автор: Коллектив авторов
Жанр: Справочник
Издательство: МедиаХауз
Год выпуска: 2007
Страниц: 1000+
Язык: Русский
Формат: iso
Размер: 603 Mb

В электронной энциклопедии представлены пистолеты и револьверы следующих стран: Австрия (включая Австро-Венгрию), Аргентина, Бельгия, Болгария, Бразилия, Великобритания, Венгрия, Дания, Германия, Израиль, Иордания, Испания, Италия, Канада, Китай, КНДР, Польша, Россия (включая СССР), Сербия (включая Югославию), Словакия, США, Турция, Украина, Финляндия, Франция, Хорватия, Чехия (включая ЧССР), Швейцария, Швеция, ЮАР, Южная Корея, Япония.
Разместил: rogas86 26-05-2018, 08:03 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Civil War Weapons and Equipment
Автор: Russ A. Pritchard Jr.
Издательство: The Lyons Press
Год: 2003
ISBN: 1840654562
Страниц: 128
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 57 MB

The American Civil War remains the country's national epic, having changed the fledgling "Union" into the "United States." The scars of that devastating internecine conflict of almost a century and a half ago have long since disappeared, but there remains a seemingly insatiable desire to learn more of the circumstances and the detail of the war. This beautifully illustrated book provides that detail in respect of the weapons, uniforms and equipment of the war - from the infantryman's simple rifle-and-bayonet through a plethora of officers' swords and sabers and pistols and revolvers, to the mighty artillery pieces, as well as the shirts, the shoes, the frock coats and the headgear of the officers and enlisted men. Along the way, it examines some remarkable "firsts" - such as the first military use of submarines, sea-mines, multi-barrel guns, repeating rifles and carbines - as well as how the weapons were procured (for instance, the South's dependence on imported weapons because of its manufacturing shortcomings, and the North's attempts to blockade the supplies), and how they were used in the hands of soldiers and sailors who varied from ill-prepared youths to experienced hunters.
Разместил: Gerza 26-05-2018, 08:00 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Rigging Period Ship Models: A Step-By-Step Guide to the Intricacies of the Square-Rig
Автор: Lennarth Peterssen
Издательство: Naval Inst Pr.
Год: 2000
ISBN: 1557509700
Страниц: 126
Язык: English
Формат: PDF HQ
Размер: 61 MB

The rigging of period ship models is arguably the most complex and daunting task for the modeler. An eighteenth-century man-of-war boasted mile upon mile of rigging, over 1,000 blocks, and acres of canvas. To reduce the rigging in scale and yet retain an accurate representation is a formidable undertaking. After studying numerous eighteenth-century museum models, the author has drawn some four hundred diagrams which clearly show how each separate item of rigging is fitted to the masts, yards, and sails. Each drawing deals with only one particular aspect and is accompanied by a logical and straight forward narrative. For example, the fore deadeyes and channels are shown before the shrouds are added, and these are depicted before the ratlines are added. Whether a model maker needs to rig a whole ship or just requires information on one aspect, it is all here in this beautifully produced volume that no modeler of period ships should be without.
Разместил: Gerza 26-05-2018, 07:32 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Arms and Armor from the Permanent Collection
Автор(ы): Helmut Nickel
Издательство: The Metropolitan Museum
Серия: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 49, no. 1
Год: 1991
Страниц: 67
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 24 MB

В буклете представлены работы мастеров-оружейников из собрания Metropolitan Museum
Разместил: Gerza 26-05-2018, 07:18 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Die Hand - und Faustfeuerwaffen der habsburgischen Heere
Автор(ы): Erich Gabriel
Издательство: OBV
Год: 1990
ISBN: 3-215-07522-9
Страниц: 589
Язык: German
Формат: PDF
Размер: 272 MB

Ручное огнестрельное оружие армии Габсбургов.
Mit diesem Prachtband prasentierte 1990 das Heeresgeschichtliche Museum seine Sammlung dieser Waffen! Die 132 Handfeuerwaffen mit den zugehorigen Bajonetten, und die 50 Faustfeuerwaffen sind jeweils aus mehreren Blickwinkeln photographiert worden. Jeder ganzseitgen Bildtafel steht eine Textseite mit ausfuhrlicher Beschreibung gegenuber! An zusatzlichem Reiz gewinnt das Buch durch seinen umfangreichen historischen Einfuhrungsteil. Es ist auf Grundlage von Originalakten, Archivmaterialien, offiziellen Instruktionen und zeitgenossischen Waffenlehren eine Gesamtdarstellung entstanden, die den Band zu einem zuverlassigen und gultigen Standard - und Nachschlagewerk fur jeden an der osterreichischen Heereskunde Interessierten macht!
Разместил: Gerza 26-05-2018, 07:17 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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