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Название: Simulation with Arena, 7th Edition Автор: W. David Kelton, Nancy B. Zupick, Nathan J. Ivey Издательство: McGraw Hill Год: 2024 Страниц: 689 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true) Размер: 21.5 MB
Simulation with Arena provides a comprehensive treatment of simulation using industry-standard Arena software. The textbook begins by having the reader develop simple high-level models, and then progresses to advanced modeling and analysis. Statistical design and analysis of simulation experiments is integrated with the modeling chapters, reflecting the importance of mathematical modeling of these activities. An informal, tutorial writing style is used to aid the beginner in fully understanding the ideas and topics presented. The new edition now reflects Arena version 16.2, which contains many new and useful features. Arena simulation software is a tool to remove the guesswork from decision making and improve processes, efficiencies, work teams, and profitability. It uses 2D and 3D modeling and real world data to simulate various process scenarios and optimize system performance. It uses the SIMAN processor and simulation language. We assume neither prior knowledge of simulation nor computer-programming experience. We do assume basic familiarity with computing in general (files, folders, basic editing operations, etc.), but nothing advanced. A fundamental understanding of probability and statistics is needed. We also assume knowledge of basic derivative and integral calculus. Arena combines the ease of use found in high-level simulators with the flexibility of simulation languages and even all the way down to general-purpose procedural languages like the Microsoft Visual Basic programming system or C if you really want. It does this by providing alternative and interchangeable templates of graphical simulation-modeling and analysis modules that you can combine to build a fairly wide variety of simulation models. For specialized needs, like complex decision algorithms or accessing data from an external application, you can write pieces of your model in a procedural language like Visual Basic or C/C++. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 26-04-2024, 14:58 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Планшеты и смартфоны на Android. Простой и понятный самоучитель Автор: Василий Леонов Издательство: Эксмо Год: 2022 Cтраниц: 385, цвет.ил. Формат: pdf Размер: 15 мб Язык: русский
Вам хочется использовать свой планшет или смартфон на все 100%? Нет ничего проще! С помощью этого самоучителя вы легко научитесь получать от этих гаджетов максимум. Простые и понятные примеры, наглядные иллюстрации и практический подход к обучению помогут вам овладеть всеми приемами работы с устройствами на Android. Благодаря этому удобному, небольшому по формату самоучителю вы за короткое время без страха и лишних усилий почувствуете себя уверенным пользователем планшета или смартфона на Android. |
Разместил: rivasss 26-04-2024, 13:29 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) GoldenGate: Real-world Examples Автор: Y V Ravi Kumar, Raghavendra S, Ankur Goel Издательство: Apress Год: 2024 Страниц: 243 Язык: английский Формат: pdf, epub Размер: 13.3 MB
This book focuses on the utilization of GoldenGate Services (GGS) in conjunction with a microservices architecture on the Oracle cloud (OCI), primarily for data migration and integration across various data sources and targets. The book begins with a practical example of utilizing GGS on a Marketplace VM, progressively advancing to in-depth discussions on implementing GoldenGate as a Service on OCI. The book offers illustrative guides for data replication between RDBMSs (such as Oracle, Postgres, and big data targets such as Kafka). Additionally, it explores monitoring techniques using Enterprise Manager and Grafana dashboards. A comparative analysis is presented between traditional VM-based GoldenGate installations and the OCI service model. Special attention is given to Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) and leveraging GGS for database migration from on-premises to OCI. Some chapters address multi-cloud replication using OCI GGS and include real-life case studies. By the end of this book you will have gained comprehensive insights into the architectural design of GoldenGate Services and will be adept at replicating data using GGS, enabling you to replicate setups in your own environments. Oracle GoldenGate (OGG) is a software solution for real-time data integration and replication. It allows organizations to capture, transform, and move transactional data from one database to another, across different platforms and data environments, with minimal latency and impact on system performance. This ensures that databases remain synchronized, facilitating high availability, data migration, and real-time analytics. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 26-04-2024, 12:30 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Advances in Digital Marketing in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies and Data Analysis for Business Problem Solving Автор: Moez Ltifi Издательство: CRC Press Год: 2025 Страниц: 329 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true) Размер: 14.8 MB
This book highlights the technological advances that are transforming the future of digital marketing and covers important areas of research in this field. The book demonstrates advances in digital marketing as well as tools, techniques, methods and strategies based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). It also identifies gaps in research into effective digital marketing tools, techniques and methods, and it bridges the interaction between digital marketing strategies and organisations’ business plans, on the one hand, and customer relations, on the other, in the age of Artificial Intelligence. This book presents the concepts and applications of digital marketing in the age of Artificial Intelligence to readers in a comprehensive manner. The book highlights the major breakthroughs and technologies in digital marketing for effective interaction, analysis, prediction and design to formulate the best strategy for a business by using Artificial Intelligence solutions. This enables specialists to apply advances in digital marketing in the age of Artificial Intelligence in the right way to serve customers and solve business problems in this competitive age. The advent of ChatGPT, an advanced form of chatbots based on OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 architecture, is distinguished by its ability to understand natural language inputs from users. ChatGPT can assist marketers in creating more human-like interactions with consumers, answering their queries, and offering personalized recommendations. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 26-04-2024, 03:22 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting, 2nd Edition Автор: Vernon J. Richardson, Katie L. Terrell, Ryan A. Teeter Издательство: McGraw Hill Год: 2024 Страниц: 689 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true) Размер: 32.4 MB
The combination of computerization and automation of many accounting tasks as well as the explosion of available data is changing the accounting profession. To address this, accountants are increasingly required to have an analytics mindset to perform their jobs. Building upon the fundamentals of accounting learned in prior courses, Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting explores accounting concepts through the application of data analytics. We recognize students need to not only develop the skills to ask the right questions, but to learn how to use tools they may encounter in the workplace such as Excel, Tableau, and PowerBI to examine and analyze data, and then effectively interpret results to make business decisions. This analytics mindset is crucial early in the study of accounting to meet the demands of today's accounting jobs. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 26-04-2024, 00:57 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Statistical Thinking: Analyzing Data in an Uncertain World Автор: Russell A. Poldrack Издательство: Princeton University Press Год: 2023 Страниц: 281 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true) Размер: 50.5 MB
An essential introduction to statistics for students of psychology and the social sciences. Statistical thinking is increasingly essential to understanding our complex world and making informed decisions based on uncertain data. This incisive undergraduate textbook introduces students to the main ideas of statistics in a way that focuses on deep comprehension rather than rote application or mathematical immersion. The presentation of statistical concepts is thoroughly modern, sharing cutting-edge ideas from the fields of machine learning and data science that help students effectively use statistical methods to ask questions about data. Statistical Thinking provides the tools to describe complex patterns that emerge from data and to make accurate predictions and decisions based on data. The only way to really learn statistics is to do statistics. While many statistics courses historically have been taught using point-and-click statistical software, it is increasingly common for statistical education to use open source languages in which students can code their own analyses. I think that being able to code one’s analyses is essential in order to gain a deep appreciation for statistical analysis, which is why the students in my course at Stanford are expected to learn to use the R statistical programming language to analyze data, alongside the theoretical knowledge that they learn from this book. There are two openly available companions to this textbook that can help the reader get started learning to program; one focuses on the R programming language, and another focuses on the Python language. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 25-04-2024, 06:51 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Management Science using Excel: Harnessing Excel's advanced features for business optimization Автор: Isaac Gottlieb Издательство: BPB Publications Год: 2024 Страниц: 606 Язык: английский Формат: pdf, epub Размер: 23.9 MB
A practical guide to using Excel for decision making, forecasting, optimization, and more. With this book, you will acquire a strong understanding of Management Science in the decision-making field while mastering the solutions with Microsoft Excel. This book alleviates complicated mathematical models with easy Microsoft Excel tools. Management science is a practice of problem-solving and decision-making in organizations, business, and other fields. It uses various analytical methods, including mathematical modeling and statistics, to improve the ability of better decision’s making. The techniques in this book range from maximization of profit, performance, and Return on Investment (ROI) to minimization (cost, time, risk) through Monte Carlos simulations, sensitivity analysis, and other tools. The readers will find countless real-life examples and case studies from banking, finance, transportation, manufacturing, manpower assignment, scheduling, and inventory management through food and product mix. This book's linear and nonlinear techniques utilize the Excel Solver for the solutions. Once you get the hang of using the Solver – you can apply the tools learned to solve problems of your background, experience, and choice. This book takes a hands-on approach using Excel to solve these problems. Instead of using complex mathematical formulations and algorithms – you will learn to set up and solve these problems in an easy-to-follow manner in Excel. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 24-04-2024, 16:26 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Windows 10 For Beginners - 18th Edition, 2024 Автор: Papercut Limited Издательство: Papercut Limited Год: 2024 Страниц: 122 Язык: английский Формат: pdf Размер: 44.9 MB
"Windows 10 для начинающих" - это первый и единственный выбор, если вы новичок и хотите узнать все, что вам нужно для начала работы с этой операционной системой. Это независимое руководство наполнено полезными рекомендациями и пошаговыми полностью иллюстрированными учебными пособиями, написанными на простом и понятном английском языке. На страницах этого нового руководства пользователя вы узнаете все, что нужно знать о настройках "из коробки", освоите более сложные функции и откроете для себя огромное количество удивительных приложений. С этим неофициальным руководством ни одна проблема не будет неразрешимой, ни один вопрос не останется без ответа, пока вы учитесь, изучаете и расширяете свой пользовательский опыт. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 24-04-2024, 04:33 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Весь Linux. Для тех, кто хочет стать профессионалом Автор: Матвеев М.Д. Издательство: Наука и техника Год: 2024 Формат: pdf Размер: 62 Мб Качество: Хорошее Страниц: 706
Эта книга содержит в себе как теоретические, так и практические материалы по Linux, тем самым вы сразу сможете использовать полученную теорию на практике. Диапазон рассматриваемых тем достаточно широк: - Установка системы, вход и завершение работы, настройка системы, основы командной строки; - Настройка Интернета, установка программного обеспечения, обзор популярных программ для Linux, как запускать Windows-приложения в Linux; - Локальное администрирование в Linux, управление файловыми системами, что такое и для чего нужно Ядро Linix, системные процессы и основные группы пользователей; |
Разместил: tanyavip1 21-04-2024, 21:45 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Windows 11 For Beginners - 11th Edition, 2024 Автор: Papercut Limited Издательство: Papercut Limited Год: 2024 Язык: английский Формат: pdf Размер: 35.2 MB
Windows 11 For Beginners - это полное руководство для начинающих пользователей настольных компьютеров и ноутбуков, а также для тех, кто хочет узнать все, что нужно для начала работы с операционной системой Microsoft. Это отдельное руководство написано простым и понятным языком и содержит практические советы и пошаговые иллюстрированные инструкции. В этом руководстве вы узнаете все, что нужно знать о компьютерах и приложениях, разобравшись в функциях операционной системы. С помощью этого неофициального руководства вам не составит труда изучить, освоить и улучшить работу с Windows 11. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 21-04-2024, 07:12 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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