97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts (Final)КНИГИ » ПРОГРАММИНГ
Название: 97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts, First Edition Автор: Dan Berlin Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc. Год: 2021 Страниц: 298 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true), epub Размер: 17.6 MB, 46.2 MB
Используйте мудрость экспертов, чтобы узнать, что нужно знать каждому практикующему UX. С 97 короткими и чрезвычайно полезными советами вы обнаружите новые подходы к старым проблемам, вы обнаружите дорогу к передовым практикам и отточите свои навыки посредством звуковых рекомендаций. Работа в UX включает гораздо больше, чем просто создание пользовательских интерфейсов. Команды UX борются с пониманием того, что важно, какие практики они должны глубоко знать, а какие подходы вообще не полезны. С этими 97 лаконичными советами редактор Даниэль Берлин представляет множество советов и знаний от экспертов, которые практиковали UX на протяжении всей своей карьеры.
Tap into the wisdom of experts to learn what every UX practitioner needs to know. With 97 short and extremely useful articles, you'll discover new approaches to old problems, pick up road-tested best practices, and hone your skills through sound advice. Working in UX involves much more than just creating user interfaces. UX teams struggle with understanding what's important, which practices they should know deeply, and what approaches aren't helpful at all. With these 97 concise articles, editor Dan Berlin presents a wealth of advice and knowledge from experts who have practiced UX throughout their careers.
The user experience (UX) community is full of people who want to help others lead better lives. Whether we are making a website easier to use or creating designs that guide people to make healthier decisions, we just want to help others. This also applies to our colleagues across the industry: we want everyone who has chosen this occupation to thrive. That’s why you’ll often see more hugs than handshakes at UX conferences—everyone in the field is just so nice.
That’s the intended spirit of this book—it’s by the UX community and for the UX community, and it intends to give back to the UX community. To ensure that contributors extended beyond my personal circle, we had a submission process in which anyone could submit a chapter. This helped to solidify my theory about UXers being so nice. Every stranger I met during the process was generous and eager to give back to the community. To round out the community giving, the authors have decided on a number of UX nonprofit organizations to which any book royalties will go, starting with Creative Reaction Lab in St. Louis and the Center for Civic Design. This book wasn’t written to make a buck or to give people exposure. We wrote this book to help the UX community do great work.
- Bring Themes to Exploratory Research--Shanti Kanhai - Design for Content First--Marli Mesibov - Design for Universal Usability--Ann Chadwick-Dias - Be Wrong on Purpose--Skyler Ray Taylor - Diverse Participant Recruiting Is Critical to Authentic User Research--Megan Campos - Put On Your InfoSec Hat to Improve Your Designs--Julie Meridian - Boost Your Emotional Intelligence to Move from Good to Great UX--Priyama Barua
Скачать 97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts, First Edition
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