Название: The Practical Python: 100+ Practical Example Projects, 2nd Edition Автор: Emenwa Global Издательство: Gstevewall Academy Год: 2021 Страниц: 188 Язык: английский Формат: pdf, epub Размер: 10.2 MB
The Practical Python Course is the most practical course you will find on the web today. In this course, rather than practicing rote memorization, students are actively problem-solving towards tangible goals. You will learn to build real-life desktop programs and you will become a programmer able to produce real-life Python programs. Below are the course content as arranged in the table of content:
A Program to Print Hello world in Python A Program to Find the Square Root of a Number A Program to Sum Two Numbers A Program to Swap Two Variables A Program to Check if a Number is Odd or Even A Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers A Program to Check Prime Number A Program to Find the Factorial of a Number A Program to Print the Fibonacci sequence A Program to Find the Sum of Natural Numbers A Program to Find List of Numbers Divisible by 4 A Program to Find ASCII Value of Character A Program to Make a Simple Calculator A Program to Display Calendar A Program to Check Whether a String is Palindrome or Not A Program to Calculate the Area of a Triangle A Program to Convert Kilometers to Miles A Program to Check if a Number is Positive, Negative or Zero A Program to Check Leap Year A Program to Display the multiplication Table A Program to Solve Quadratic Equation A Program to Generate a Random Number A Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit A Program to Print all Prime Numbers in a Range A Program to Check Armstrong Number A Program to Find Armstrong Number in a Range A Program to Convert Decimal to Binary and Hexadecimal A Program to Shuffle Deck of Cards A Program to Remove Punctuations from a String A Program to Find the Size or Resolution of an Image A Program to Create Half Pyramid Pattern Using Asterisk (*) A Program to Create Half Pyramid Pattern Using Numeric Values A Program to Create Half Pyramid Pattern Using Alphabets A Program to Create Inverted Half Pyramid Pattern Using Asterisk A Program to Create Inverted Half Pyramid Pattern Using Numbers A Program to Create Full Pyramid Pattern Using Asterisk A Program to Create Full Pyramid Pattern Using Numbers A Program to Create Full Inverted Pyramid Pattern Using Asterisk A Program to Create a Pascal’s Triangle A Program to Create a Floyd’s Triangle A Program to Catch Multiple Exceptions in One Line A Program to Concatenate Strings and Lists A Program to Count the Number of Occurrence of a Character in a String A Program to Convert Bytes to a String A Program to Display Multiples of a Number A Program to Compute all the Permutation of a String A Program to Count the Number of Digits Present in a Number A Program to Compute the Power of a Number A Program to Differentiate Between del, remove, and pop on a List A Program to Return Multiple Values from a Function A Program to Trim Whitespace from a String A Program to Get the Class Name of an Instance A Program to Differentiate Between type() and instance() A Program to Append to a File A Program to Count the Occurrence of an Item in a List A Program to Check If a String Is Number or Not A Program to Randomly Select an Element from the List A Program to Read File Contents into a List A Program to Get Any Element of a List A Program to Print Colored Text to the IDE Terminal A Program to Copy a File A Program to Check If a List is Empty A Program to Access Index of a List Using for Loop A Program to Find Hash of File A Program to Count the Number of Each Vowel A Program to Sort Words in Alphabetic Order A Program to Add Two Matrices A Program to Transpose a Matrix A Program to Multiply Two Matrices A Program to Find Factorial of Number Using Recursion A Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Using Recursion
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