99 Bottles of OOP is a practical guide to writing cost-effective, maintainable, and pleasing object-oriented code.
Now available in Python, as well as javascript, PHP, and Ruby!
We are practical people. We love beautiful code but we're also committed to getting things done. 99 Bottles of OOP enables both of these desires. It teaches practical programming techniques that lead, naturally and inevitably, to beautiful code.
This book contains an extended refactoring, and it details the rationale behind every change. It is a hands-on workbook rather than a list of theoretical ideas. It explains how to use the principles of object-oriented design to guide, not just the final arrangement of code, but each decision about what line of code to write next.
It teaches the theory of what good OO looks like, but even better, it supplies step-by-step guidance about how to achieve it.
It explores:
Recognizing when code is "good enough" Getting the best value from Test-Driven Development (TDD) Doing proper refactoring, not random "rehacktoring" Locating concepts buried in code Finding names that convey deeper meaning Safely altering code by following the "Flocking Rules" Simplifying new additions with the Open/Closed Principle Avoiding conditionals by obeying the Liskov Substitution Principle Making targeted improvements by reducing Code Smells Improving changeability with polymorphism Manufacturing role-playing objects using Factories Hedging against uncertainty by loosening coupling Developing a programming aesthetic
Who Should Read This Book:
The lessons in the book have been found useful by programmers with a broad range of experience, from rank novice through grizzled veteran. Despite what one might predict, novices often have an easier time with this material. As they are unencumbered by prior knowledge, their minds are open, and easily absorb these ideas.
It’s the veterans who struggle. Their habits are deeply ingrained. They know themselves to be good at programming. They feel quick, and efficient, and so resist new techniques, especially when those techniques temporarily slow them down.
This book will be useful if you are a veteran, but it cannot be denied that it teaches programming techniques that likely contradict your current practice. Changing entrenched ideas can be painful. However, you cannot make informed decisions about the value of new ideas unless you thoroughly understand them, and to understand them you must commit, wholeheartedly, to learning them.
Therefore, if you are a veteran, it’s best to adopt the novice mindset before reading on. Set aside prior beliefs, and dedicate yourself to what follows. While reading, resist the urge to resist. Read the entire book, work the problems, and only then decide whether to integrate these ideas into your daily practice.
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