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 Название: Buffer Overflows: Anatomy of an Exploit Автор: Joshua Hulse Издательство: Autoedici?n Год: 2012 Формат: pdf Страниц: 25 Размер: 0,19 mb. Язык: English
El fin de este documento es revisar el modo en que se producen los conocidos desbordamientos de pila. Durante el mismo, se expondr? c?mo los ingenieros de software deben considerar a la pila durante una etapa de dise?o independientemente del lenguaje en el que trabaje (ensamblador, C, C++, etc). El fin ?ltimo ser? evitar la vulnerabilidad de un c?digo frente a ataques. |
Разместил: Semka 16-01-2019, 21:43 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Computer Architecture and System Programming Автор: Stefan Heule Издательство:Autoedici?n Год: 2010 Формат: pdf Страниц: 36 Размер: 1,2 mb. Язык: English
En este breve ensayo se recogen las anotaciones realizadas por sus autores durante sus cursos de programaci?n y arquitectura de computadores celebrados en 2009. |
Разместил: Semka 16-01-2019, 21:43 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Cognitive Patterns: Problem-Solving Frameworks for Object Technology Автор: Various Издательство: Robert K. Konitzer Год: 2011 Формат: pdf Страниц: 166 Размер: 2,8 mb. Язык: English
As systems become more complex, the human limitations to comprehending system requirements become more evident. Since we cannot develop appropriate solutions if we do not understand the problem, human understanding is the key ingredient. |
Разместил: Semka 16-01-2019, 21:43 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Handbook of Image-Based Security Techniques Автор: Shivendra Shivani and Suneeta Agarwal Издательство: CRC Press Год: 2018 Формат: PDF Размер: 10 Мб Язык: английский / English
This book focuses on image based security techniques, namely visual cryptography, watermarking, and steganography. This book is divided into four sections. The first section explores basic to advanced concepts of visual cryptography. The second section of the book covers digital image watermarking including watermarking algorithms, frameworks for modeling watermarking systems, and the evaluation of watermarking techniques. The next section analyzes steganography and steganalysis, including the notion, terminology and building blocks of steganographic communication. |
Разместил: black 16-01-2019, 17:56 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Потоковая обработка данных. Конвейер реального времени Автор: Эндрю Дж. Пселтис Издательство: ДМК Пресс ISBN: 978-5-97060-606-3 Год: 2018 Страниц: 217 Язык: русский Формат: pdf Размер: 33.3 MB
Эта насыщенная идеями книга содержит все необходимое для понимания потоковой обработки. Эта насыщенная идеями книга научит вас думать об эффективном взаимодействии с быстрыми потоками данных. В ней выдержан идеальный баланс между широкой картиной и деталями реализации. На содержательных примерах и практических задачах вы узнаете о проектировании приложений, которые читают, анализируют, разделяют и сохраняют потоковые данные. Попутно вы поймете, какую роль играют такие технологии, как Spark, Storm, Kafka, Flink, RabbitMQ и другие. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 16-01-2019, 17:53 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Beginning Programming with C++ For Dummies Автор: Stephen R. Davis Издательство: For Dummies Год: 2010 Формат: PDF Страниц: 456 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 4 Mb Язык: English
An ideal starting point to get a strong grasp of the fundamentals of C++ C++ is an object-oriented programming language commonly adopted by would-be programmers. This book explores the basic development concepts and techniques of C++ and explains the "how" and "why" of C++ programming from the ground up. You'll discover what goes into creating a program, as well as how to put the various pieces together, deal with standard programming challenges, handle debugging, and make it all work. |
Разместил: Ice Zero 16-01-2019, 16:53 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies Автор: Barry A. Burd Издательство: For Dummies Год: 2014 Формат: PDF Страниц: 480 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 11 Mb Язык: English
A practical introduction to programming with Java Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies, 4th Edition is a comprehensive guide to learning one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. This book covers basic development concepts and techniques through a Java lens. You'll learn what goes into a program, how to put the pieces together, how to deal with challenges, and how to make it work. The new Fourth Edition has been updated to align with Java 8, and includes new options for the latest tools and techniques. |
Разместил: Ice Zero 16-01-2019, 16:42 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 Автор: James Payne Издательство: Wrox Год: 2010 Формат: PDF Страниц: 624 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 4 Mb Язык: English
Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 introducesthis open source, portable, interpreted, object-orientedprogramming language that combines remarkable power with clearsyntax. This book enables you to quickly create robust, reliable,and reusable Python applications by teaching the basics so you canquickly develop Web and scientific applications, incorporatedatabases, and master systems tasks on various operating systems,including Linux, MAC OS, and Windows. You'll get a comprehensivetutorial that guides you from writing simple, basic Python scriptsall the way through complex concepts, and also features a referenceof the standard modules with examples illustrating how to implementfeatures in the various modules. Plus, the book covers using Pythonin specific program development domains, such as XML, databases,scientific applications, network programming, and Web development. |
Разместил: Ice Zero 16-01-2019, 16:31 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional Автор: Magnus Lie Hetland Издательство: Apress Год: 2006 Формат: PDF Страниц: 640 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 6 Mb Язык: English
Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional is the most comprehensive book on the Python ever written. Based on Practical Python, this newly-revised book is both an introduction and practical reference for a swath of Python-related programming topics, including addressing language internals, database integration, network programming, and web services. Advanced topics, such as extending Python and packaging/distributing Python applications, are also covered. Ten different projects illustrate the concepts introduced in the book. You will learn how to create a P2P file-sharing application and a web-based bulletin board, and how to remotely edit web-based documents and create games. Author Magnus Lie Hetland is an authority on Python and previously authored Practical Python. He also authored the popular online guide, Instant Python Hacking, on which both books are based. |
Разместил: Ice Zero 16-01-2019, 16:24 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Introductory Quantum Mechanics with MATLAB: For Atoms, Molecules, Clusters, and Nanocrystals Автор: James R. Chelikowsky Издательство: Wiley-VCH Год: 2019 Страниц: 224 Формат: PDF Размер: 10 Mb Язык: English
Presents a unique approach to grasping the concepts of quantum theory with a focus on atoms, clusters, and crystals Quantum theory of atoms and molecules is vitally important in molecular physics, materials science, nanoscience, solid state physics and many related fields. Introductory Quantum Mechanics with MATLAB is designed to be an accessible guide to quantum theory and its applications. The textbook uses the popular MATLAB programming language for the analytical and numerical solution of quantum mechanical problems, with a particular focus on clusters and assemblies of atoms. |
Разместил: bhaer 16-01-2019, 13:56 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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