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 Название: Программирование на Java для начинающих Автор: Алексей Васильев Издательство: Эксмо Год: 2019 Формат: pdf Страниц: 706 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 38,2 Мб Язык: русский
Полный спектр сведений о языке Java с примерами и разбором задач от автора учебников-бестселлеров по языкам программирования Алексея Васильева. С помощью этой книги освоить язык Java сможет каждый желающий - от новичка до специалиста. |
Разместил: relizer 15-10-2021, 21:44 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Mastering C# 8.0: Master C# skills with plentiful code examples: Master C# Skills with Hands-on Code Examples Автор: Joydip Kanjilal Издательство: BPB Publications Год: 2019 Страниц: 586 Язык: английский Формат: pdf, epub Размер: 13.5 MB
Step-by-step guide written in a lucid language for mastering C#. This book starts by introducing the concepts of .NET framework. It then discusses OOP and explores how one can work with OOP in C#. There are two chapters on OOP: the first one covers the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP); and the second one delineates advanced concepts related to OOP and how they can be implemented in C#. Next, the book discusses Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and how to work with it in C#, followed by multithreading, asynchronous and parallel programming concepts with relevant code examples to illustrate the concepts covered. Generics, collections, generic collections, delegates, lambda expressions are also covered in this section.
Разместил: Ingvar16 15-10-2021, 20:34 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Head First. Паттерны проектирования, 2-е издание Автор: Фримен Эрик, Робсон Элизабет, Сьерра Кэти, Бейтс Берт Издательство: Питер Год: 2022 Формат: pdf Страниц: 641 Для сайта: Mirknig.su Размер: 17,1 Мб Язык: русский
Не имеет смысла каждый раз изобретать велосипед, лучше сразу освоить приемы проектирования, которые уже созданы людьми, сталкивавшимися с аналогичными задачами. В этой книге рассказано, какие паттерны действительно важны, когда и при каких условиях ими необходимо пользоваться, как применить их в ваших проектах и на каких принципах объектно-ориентированного проектирования они построены. Присоединяйтесь к сотням тысяч разработчиков, которые повысили свою квалификацию объектно-ориентированного проектирования благодаря книге «Head First. Паттерны проектирования». |
Разместил: relizer 15-10-2021, 17:07 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: What Is Federated Learning? Автор: Emily Glanz, Nova Fallen Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc. Год: 2021-10-14 Язык: английский Формат: epub Размер: 10.2 MB
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies is growing rapidly. AI and ML are empowering many application domains, such as natural language processing (NLP), image classification, and recommendation systems. You’ve probably seen this yourself: smartphone keyboard autocorrect features, face unlock capabilities, and movie recommendation algorithms are all powered by Machine Learning. One of the key reasons for the success of ML technologies today is the accessibility and availability of massive amounts of data. The key idea behind Federated Learning (FL) is that it is possible to bring model training to the location where the data was generated and lives, removing the requirement for centralized data collection. Federated Learning is a type of Machine Learning in which a set of clients collaboratively train a model on local data under the orchestration of a central server, without sharing raw data with each other or the server.
Разместил: Ingvar16 15-10-2021, 15:44 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Command-Line Rust (Early Release) Автор: Charles Kenneth Youens-Clark Издательство: O’Reilly Media Год: 2021-08-23: Second Release Формат: ePUB Страниц: 350 Размер: 10 Mb Язык: English
For several consecutive years, Rust has been voted "most loved programming language" in Stack Overflow's annual developer survey. This open source systems programming language is now used for everything from game engines and operating systems to browser components and virtual reality simulation engines. But Rust is also an incredibly complex language with a notoriously difficult learning curve. Rather than focus on the language as a whole, this guide teaches Rust using a single small, complete, focused program in each chapter. Author Ken Youens-Clark shows you how to start, write, and test each of these programs to create a finished product. You'll learn how to handle errors in Rust, read and write files, and use regular expressions, Rust types, structs, and more. |
Разместил: vitvikvas 15-10-2021, 05:11 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Kotlin In-Depth [Vol-I]: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Multi-Paradigm Language Автор: Aleksei Sedunov Издательство: BPB Publications Год: 2020 Страниц: 612 Язык: английский Формат: pdf, epub Размер: 10.1 MB
Master the concise and expressive power of a pragmatic, multi-paradigm language for JVM, Android and beyond. The purpose of this book is to guide a reader through the capabilities of Kotlin language and give examples of how to use it for the development of various applications, be it desktop, mobile or Web. Although our primary focus is on JVM and Android, the knowledge we’re sharing here, to various extents, applies to other Kotlin-supported platforms such as javascript, native and even multi-platform applications. The book starts with an introduction to the language and its ecosystem, which will give you an understanding of the key ideas behind the Kotlin design, introduce you to the Kotlin tooling and present you the basic language syntax and constructs.
Разместил: Ingvar16 15-10-2021, 03:47 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Advanced Git, 2nd Edition Автор: Jawwad Ahmad & Chris Belanger Издательство: Razeware LLC Год: 2021 Формат: ePUB, PDF Страниц: 226 Размер: 16 Mb Язык: English
Chances are if you’re involved with software development you’ve heard of and have used Git at some point in your life. Version control systems are critical for any successful collaborative software project. Git is both simple to start using and accommodating for the most complex tasks with version control. Even seasoned Git users hit roadblocks on how to handle common situations. |
Разместил: vitvikvas 15-10-2021, 02:50 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: javascript A Beginner's Guide, 5th Edition Автор: John Pollock Издательство: McGraw-Hill Education Год: 2020 Страниц: 561 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true), epub Размер: 19.5 MB, 51.2 MB Get up and running on the latest javascript standard using this fully updated beginner’s guide. This hands-on, fast-paced guide shows, from start to finish, how to create dynamic Web pages complete with special effects using javascript. This edition contains updates for all major new features and the latest Web development techniques and practices. You will discover how to extend javascript’s capabilities to the server side using Node.js. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 14-10-2021, 20:34 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Research and Evidence in Software Engineering: From Empirical Studies to Open Source Artifacts Автор: Varun Gupta, Chetna Gupta Издательство: Auerbach Publications/CRC Press Год: 2021 Страниц: 339 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true) Размер: 22.5 MB
Research and Evidence in Software Engineering: From Empirical Studies to Open Source Artifacts introduces advanced software engineering to software engineers, scientists, postdoctoral researchers, academicians, software consultants, management executives, doctoral students, and advanced level postgraduate computer science students. This book contains research articles addressing numerous software engineering research challenges associated with various software development-related activities, including programming, testing, measurements...
Разместил: Ingvar16 14-10-2021, 19:20 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Elements of Android Jetpack 2.2 Автор: Mark L. Murphy Издательство: CommonsWare Год: 2021 Формат: ePUB, PDF Страниц: 931 Размер: 24 Mb Язык: English
After a decade's worth of Android app development, 2018 debuted the second generation of Android app development techniques, highlighted by Jetpack and the AndroidX family of libraries. This book follows in the footsteps of The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development, to introduce developers to Android app development, focusing on Jetpack. Here you will learn how to set up an Android app for Java or Kotlin, create a user interface, and more! |
Разместил: vitvikvas 14-10-2021, 17:35 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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