Have you ever received a phone call informing you that you have a virus on your computer, or a slow Internet connection? Have you ever wondered why you get so much SPAM? Are you concerned your computer might end up with a virus and you'll lose all your files? Does anyone know what the Cloud actually is?
This guide has been compiled by the local and online community in an attempt to answer some of these questions. Its audience is primarily those who are unfamiliar with computers and technology and are worried about the security of their computer or being the subject of a scam or fraud. However, even those familiar with computers may benefit from the collection of ideas and anecdotes.
Online safety is as important as safety in your home, or on the street. Our lives are being forced online (whether we like it or not), yet not all of us are comfortable in venturing onto the Internet. What's more, scammers and criminals are taking advantage of those of us who are making these first tentative steps into the world of email, Internet banking and social media.
This guide will be updated as new ideas are generated, or as feedback is provided. Information on how to feedback into future versions is provided in the book.
The Pocket Guide to Cyber Security Название: The Pocket Guide to Cyber Security Автор: Usha D., James H. Издательство: Amazon.com Services LLC Год: 2020 Язык: английский Формат:...