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Автор: Чарская Л.А. Название: Лидия Чарская. Собрание сочинений в 5 томах Издательство: Терра-Книжный клуб ISBN: 978-5-275-01798-4 Год: 2008 Количество страниц: 2817 Формат: PDF Размер: 714,02 MB
Для среднего школьного возраста.
Чарская (наст. фам. Воронова - в замужестве Чурилова) Лидия Алексеевна (1875?-1937), русская писательница. В 1894-1924 актриса Александринского театра. Проза для детей и юношества: повести из жизни женских закрытых учебных заведений ("Записки институтки", 1902; "Княжна Джаваха", 1903; "Люда Власовская", 1904; "Вторая Нина", 1909; "Ради семьи", 1914); исторический роман "Евфимия Старицкая" (1904); повести "Смелая жизнь" (1905, о Н. А. Дуровой), "Газават" (1906, о событиях Кавказской войны 1817-64 и Шамиле) и др. Книги для детей младшего возраста. Стихи. Занимательность изложения и мелодраматические сюжетные ходы во многом способствовали небывалому успеху прозы Чарской в начале XX века.
Содержание:... |
Разместил: alexstep3541 27-09-2016, 01:58 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Автор: Рене Трот де Баржи Название: В стране минувшего Издательство: Salamandra P.V.V. Год: 2013 Количество страниц: 220 Формат: PDF Размер: 1,55 MB
Четверо ученых, цвет европейской науки, отправляются в смелую экспедицию… Их путь лежит в глубь мрачных болот Бельгийcкого Конго, в неизведанный край, где были найдены живые образцы давно вымерших повсюду на Земле растений и моллюсков. Но экспедицию ждет трагический финал. На поиски пропавших ученых устремляется молодой путешественник и авантюрист Леон Беран. С какими неслыханными приключениями столкнется он в неведомых дебрях Африки? Захватывающий роман Р. Т. де Баржи достойно продолжает традиции «Затерянного мира» А. Конан Дойля. |
Разместил: alexstep3541 27-09-2016, 01:46 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: 4000 Essential English Words. Book 6 Автор: Paul Nation Издательство: Compass Publishing Год: 2009 Формат: pdf, djvu, mp3 (128 kbps) Страниц: 191 Размер: 186 MB Язык: English
4000 Essential English Words is a six-book series that is designed to focus on practical high-frequency words to enhance the vocabulary of learners from high beginning to advance levels. The series presents a variety of words that cover a large percentage of the words that can be found in many spoken or written texts. Thus, after mastering these target words, learners will be able to fully understand vocabulary items when they encounter them in written and spoken form. Each unit presents 20 words which are defined and used in sample sentences. The activities in the books are designed to present the words in different uses so that learners can fully see how they can be utilized. Also at the end of each unit there is a story whch contains the unit's target words to give learners further examples of the words in use. Each level properly prepares the learner for the next which progressively challenges the learner with more sophisticated vocabulary and stories.
Разместил: Alawal 27-09-2016, 01:34 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: 4000 Essential English Words. Book 5 Автор: Paul Nation Издательство: Compass Publishing Год: 2009 Формат: pdf, djvu, mp3 (128 kbps) Страниц: 191 Размер: 192 MB Язык: English
4000 Essential English Words is a six-book series that is designed to focus on practical high-frequency words to enhance the vocabulary of learners from high beginning to advance levels. The series presents a variety of words that cover a large percentage of the words that can be found in many spoken or written texts. Thus, after mastering these target words, learners will be able to fully understand vocabulary items when they encounter them in written and spoken form. Each unit presents 20 words which are defined and used in sample sentences. The activities in the books are designed to present the words in different uses so that learners can fully see how they can be utilized. Also at the end of each unit there is a story whch contains the unit's target words to give learners further examples of the words in use. Each level properly prepares the learner for the next which progressively challenges the learner with more sophisticated vocabulary and stories. |
Разместил: Alawal 27-09-2016, 01:29 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: 4000 Essential English Words. Book 4 Автор: Paul Nation Издательство: Compass Publishing Год: 2009 Формат: pdf, djvu, mp3 (128 kbps) Страниц: 191 Размер: 190 MB Язык: English
4000 Essential English Words is a six-book series that is designed to focus on practical high-frequency words to enhance the vocabulary of learners from high beginning to advance levels. The series presents a variety of words that cover a large percentage of the words that can be found in many spoken or written texts. Thus, after mastering these target words, learners will be able to fully understand vocabulary items when they encounter them in written and spoken form. Each unit presents 20 words which are defined and used in sample sentences. The activities in the books are designed to present the words in different uses so that learners can fully see how they can be utilized. Also at the end of each unit there is a story whch contains the unit's target words to give learners further examples of the words in use. Each level properly prepares the learner for the next which progressively challenges the learner with more sophisticated vocabulary and stories. |
Разместил: Alawal 27-09-2016, 01:24 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: 4000 Essential English Words. Book 3 Автор: Paul Nation Издательство: Compass Publishing Год: 2009 Формат: pdf, djvu, mp3 (128 kbps) Страниц: 193 Размер: 172 MB Язык: English
4000 Essential English Words is a six-book series that is designed to focus on practical high-frequency words to enhance the vocabulary of learners from high beginning to advance levels. The series presents a variety of words that cover a large percentage of the words that can be found in many spoken or written texts. Thus, after mastering these target words, learners will be able to fully understand vocabulary items when they encounter them in written and spoken form. Each unit presents 20 words which are defined and used in sample sentences. The activities in the books are designed to present the words in different uses so that learners can fully see how they can be utilized. Also at the end of each unit there is a story whch contains the unit's target words to give learners further examples of the words in use. Each level properly prepares the learner for the next which progressively challenges the learner with more sophisticated vocabulary and stories. |
Разместил: Alawal 27-09-2016, 01:18 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Профиль Издательство: ИДР-Формат Год / месяц: 26 сентября 2016 Номер: 35 (968) Страниц: 64 Формат: PDF Размер: 19.4 Мб Язык: русский
Деловое издание. На страницах журнала вы найдете эксклюзивные репортажи, аналитические прогнозы, рейтинги и обзоры по различным темам (экономика, политика, финансы, бизнес, промышленность, инвестиции), социологические опросы и многое другое. |
Разместил: hunter12 27-09-2016, 01:14 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: 4000 Essential English Words. Book 2 Автор: Paul Nation Издательство: Compass Publishing Год: 2009 Формат: pdf, djvu, mp3 (128 kbps) Страниц: 192 Размер: 176 MB Язык: English
4000 Essential English Words is a six-book series that is designed to focus on practical high-frequency words to enhance the vocabulary of learners from high beginning to advance levels. The series presents a variety of words that cover a large percentage of the words that can be found in many spoken or written texts. Thus, after mastering these target words, learners will be able to fully understand vocabulary items when they encounter them in written and spoken form. Each unit presents 20 words which are defined and used in sample sentences. The activities in the books are designed to present the words in different uses so that learners can fully see how they can be utilized. Also at the end of each unit there is a story whch contains the unit's target words to give learners further examples of the words in use. Each level properly prepares the learner for the next which progressively challenges the learner with more sophisticated vocabulary and stories. |
Разместил: Alawal 27-09-2016, 01:12 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Автор: Пауль Шлиман Название: Как я нашел Атлантиду Издательство: Salamandra P.V.V. Год: 2013 Количество страниц: 41 Формат: PDF Размер: 1,18 MB
Первый перевод на русский язык знаменитой фантастической мистификации неизвестного автора, выдававшего себя за внука первооткрывателя Трои Генриха Шлимана. Сочинение «Пауля Шлимана» – и изящное издевательство над легковерной публикой и многочисленными «атлантоманами», и вполне цельный и увлекательный фантастический рассказ. |
Разместил: alexstep3541 27-09-2016, 01:12 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: 4000 Essential English Words. Book 1 Автор: Paul Nation Издательство: Compass Publishing Год: 2009 Формат: pdf, djvu, mp3 (128 kbps) Страниц: 192 Размер: 185 MB Язык: English
4000 Essential English Words is a six-book series that is designed to focus on practical high-frequency words to enhance the vocabulary of learners from high beginning to advance levels. The series presents a variety of words that cover a large percentage of the words that can be found in many spoken or written texts. Thus, after mastering these target words, learners will be able to fully understand vocabulary items when they encounter them in written and spoken form. Each unit presents 20 words which are defined and used in sample sentences. The activities in the books are designed to present the words in different uses so that learners can fully see how they can be utilized. Also at the end of each unit there is a story whch contains the unit's target words to give learners further examples of the words in use. Each level properly prepares the learner for the next which progressively challenges the learner with more sophisticated vocabulary and stories. |
Разместил: Alawal 27-09-2016, 01:06 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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